Saturday, August 30, 2014

Tuesday, Sept. 2 -- Choice of Two Locations to Coincide With the Plein Air Paint-Out

As most of you know, this coming week is the annual Plein Air Paint-Out in the Gorge; many talented artists will be painting throughout the area during the week, and the highlight of everyone's efforts will be the show at the Columbia Center for the Arts this coming Friday evening!  

We thought it would be fun and inspirational (for those of us not directly involved in the paint-out) to paint in the same locations as the competitors.  Two locations have been chosen for Tuesday:  downtown Hood River OR The Dalles Mountain Ranch, which is located in Washington.  Driving directions to the ranch -- now a public park -- can be found at

Take advantage of this opportunity to paint with other well-known painters from Portland and the Gorge! The choice of painting location is up to you!  Mark your calendar to see the show at the gallery in September!  


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Driving Directions to Cascade Cliffs Winery

So sorry, everyone!  I just assumed everyone knew how to get to Cascade Cliffs, I guess -- when I was rereading my post, I realized I omitted driving directions.  Basically, all you need to do is get to the Washington side of the Columbia River, and drive east toward the Maryhill area.  Cascade Cliffs is approximately five miles east of the Dalles bridge (Hwy 197).  Actually, I haven't even checked to see if the five mile estimate is accurate; I'm kind of just giving directions the way I cook these days.  (Intuitively).  :-) I'm sure you can all figure it out!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Cascade Cliffs Winery -- Tuesday, August 26

Well for some odd reason, I am unable to upload the beautiful photos I took from the parking lot at Cascade Cliffs Winery today (Friday).  After a day of bottling wine at Domaine Pouillon, I stopped by Cascade Cliffs to confirm their willingness to let us gather in their parking lot next Tuesday, to paint the cliffs and the luscious green vines growing in perfectly symmetrical rows on their estate.  I took great photos, but alas...they are not available to me right now. (Perhaps a day of bottling wine has taken its toll on my ability to upload photographs). Nonetheless, they are very happy to have us paint there! So let's plan to arrive at our usual time of 8:30 - 9:00 a.m.  It would be polite to park in a less-than-prime parking space, to allow the winery visitors the best spaces.  Hope to see tons of you there!  This should be fun!!  And maybe we should buy some wine when we're done painting!  I hear their barbera is killer!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Deschutes River State Recreation Area -- Tuesday, August 19

Last Tuesday, approximately eight of us enjoyed painting at Mt. Hood Winery.  It was hot, and the sky was a bit hazy, but we all managed to have a great time!  Plan to have an equally good time at the Deschutes River State Recreation Area this coming Tuesday, August 19.  Let's meet between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m.  It is about a half hour drive east from Hood River off of I-84.  Driving directions:  from Hood River, travel east on I-84 to Exit 97.  When you come to a stop, continue heading east on OR-206 E.  After a couple miles, you will cross over a small bridge and continue on to the entrance to the recreation area.  There is lots of shade, and restrooms are available as well.  Hope to see many of you there!!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mt. Hood Winery -- Tuesday, August 12, 2014

After reviewing my recent photographs taken at Mt. Hood Winery, I am reminded of the joy painters take in being able to edit out unnecessary objects in the foreground -- such as the telephone pole in front of Mt. Hood, or the flagpole in front of Mt. Adams!  Let's spread out over the grounds of the winery on Tuesday, August 12, and see what sorts of views we can capture with our pastels, paints, and brushes.  Plan to arrive as early as 8:00 a.m.

Driving Directions:  Follow Hwy 35 south to Van Horn Drive; turn left. (Van Horn Drive is the first regular left turn after passing The Gorge White House).  Drive a short distance to the left turn into the winery parking lot.  The tasting room opens later in the morning for wine tasting and purchase.  Restrooms will also be available in the building.